
Difference Between Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton

Difference Between Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton

Exoskeleton is described as an external skeleton available on the outer part of an animal’s body. Exoskeleton is described as the internal skeleton shown in the inner part of an animal’s body. The significant disparity between exoskeleton and exoskeleton is in the description. The body of living organisms, whether human beings or ants, is an elaborate web of various organs. These organs perform so many operations of their own apart from being linked to one another for a unified, proportional, and active body. All are elaborate sensations of nature as each species possesses a unique characteristic. Some possess just the exoskeleton, others only possess just the endoskeleton, and others possess both the exoskeleton and exoskeleton for aid. Just as the name describes them, the exoskeleton is found on the external part of the body, and the endoskeleton is found on the internal part. The outer skeleton protects and also helps the animal’s body. On the contrary, the exoskeleton offers assistance and protection to the body’s inner softer and more fragile organs, including the brain, heart, lungs, and kidneys.

What is Exoskeleton?

The exoskeleton is described as an outer shell-like form available outside an animal’s body. It is significantly a nonliving form, which is obtained from the ectoderm. The fossil history of the mineralized exoskeleton came into existence about 550 million ages ago. It is a majorly resistant, stiff, and somehow breakable and inflexible formation with many particular functions. The exoskeleton significantly assists in discharging waste products formed inside the body of anthropods or animals. Also, it aids the actions and protection of the soft organs inside. Not just that, the exoskeleton also has to do with feeling and feeding. It consists of calcium carbonate or chitin. In layperson’s terms, it is described as a shell—organism such as lobsters, crabs, snails, shellfish, cockroaches, and crustaceans. Also, insects such as grasshoppers are carriers of an exoskeleton. Animals like tortoises are carriers of both exoskeletons and endoskeletons.

What is Endoskeleton?

Exoskeleton is described as the mineralized tissue which offers aid to the internal formation of an animal. It evolves in deeper body tissues and organs. Endoderm forms from mesodermal tissue during embryonic growth and develops by notochord and cartilage. As time goes on during the remaining intrauterine or fetus life, this passes through phases of intramembranous ossification and extra membranous ossification, which eventually results in a web of bones, the secondary cartilage, and cartilage. Finally, all these come together to make up an endoskeleton. Various structures and kinds of endoskeletons vary concerning growth and sophistication. Therefore, the endoskeleton of Chordata, Porifera, colloidal, and Echinodermata varies from one another. Like an exoskeleton, the endoskeleton also possesses certain functions, including safety and aid. Again, the endoskeleton aids movement and the actions of the part of the body while still attending to the attachment locations of the muscle.

Difference Between Exoskeleton and Endoskeleton

Humans possess endoskeletons, while animals and insects possess exoskeletons. Exoskeleton assists during the excretion of waste products, but the endoskeleton does not assist. Endoskeleton possesses its bone marrow in the beam of long bones, which helps produce blood cells by the procedures of endothelial proliferation for the body. This characteristic is not available in an exoskeleton. Exoskeleton has to do with non-living percentages of the body, which includes scales on fish, feathers, horns, and hairs on animals. The challenging aspect is the endoskeleton which is the living part of the body that answers to stimuli from the brain. Endoskeleton grows from mesoderm or endoderm. Exoskeleton develops from the ectoderm.