
Difference Between Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Down Syndrome

Fetal alcohol syndrome proceeds whereby a fetus is damaged in utero due to its disposition to alcohol. Down syndrome is described as a genetic disorder in which there is an additional chromosome 21.

Fetal alcohol syndrome proceeds whereby a fetus is damaged in utero due to its disposition to alcohol. Down syndrome is described as a genetic disorder in which there is an additional chromosome 21.

What is Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

Fetal alcohol syndrome acronym FAS is described as a disorder whereby a fetus is negatively influenced since the mother took in an increased quantity of alcohol while she was pregnant. It takes place in roughly 0.3 to 1.0 babies out of 1000 deliveries. Kids birthed with fetal alcohol syndrome are usually small and possess distinctive facial characteristics. They have a smooth region between the bottom of the nose and the upper lips rather than a groove. This location of the groove is often described as the philtrum. Also, they usually possess smaller heads and eyes than regular ones. They have a small chin, and a tiny upper lip can also be observed. Fetal alcohol syndrome babies also possess intellectual difficulty. Demeanour issues may also take place throughout the entire life of the child.

Diagnosis is founded on a physical test of the child, understanding the behavioural, mental, and physical signs distinct from the ailment. The facial and neurological conditions or malformations, added to stunted growth and the mother’s history of drinking too much while pregnant, are often required to ascertain fetal alcohol syndrome in a child. Nothing productive can be done to a child birthed with fetal alcohol syndrome. Although, it is advised that kids with the disorder receive help in school, in which they may find it difficult to acquire knowledge due to their cognitive depletion. Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome may require therapy for their demeanour conditions.

What is Down Syndrome?

Down syndrome is a situation whereby an individual is birthed with an additional chromosome 21. Kids born with Down syndrome possess certain biological traits, including a flat face, small ears, eyes, head, and a flattened nose bridge. Also, they possess short necks, which makes them have issues with their heart which may include atrioventricular septal deficiency. This heart deficiency is due to blood combining in the heart in such a pattern that it should not. The lungs are usually not correctly formed in Down syndrome kids. Also, they possess small white spots described as the Brushfield spots on the eye, which typically slant up, and most of the time, the tongue tends to protrude from the mouth of the child.

Down syndrome is often diagnosed using a chorionic villus sampling acronym as CVS examination. The method CVS is carried out is a bit of fluid with cells cautiously taken out from the placenta before the baby is delivered. A chromosome analysis is then carried out where trisomy 21 is seen. Children with Down syndrome can learn numerous skills and usually attend special schools. Physical therapy can be very assisting, as also occupational therapy and socialization.

Difference Between Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and Down Syndrome

  • Fetal alcohol syndrome is described as a process whereby a child is born with issues due to the disclosure of an increased level of alcohol. In contrast, Down syndrome is a genetic situation with an additional chromosome.
  • The signs of fetal alcohol syndrome have to do with facial traits of a small nose, eyes, head, and a small brain, stunted development. The characteristics of Down syndrome have to do with a small head, flat nose, slanted eyes, small head and ears, short neck, issues with lungs and heart, and short body formation.
  • Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome possess an intelligence quotient of 65, while kids with Down syndrome possess about 50.
  • Kids with fetal alcohol syndrome possess difficulty with behaviours which has to do with not communicating very well and knowing social cues. While kids with Down syndrome may struggle initially to communicate, usually, they are very friendly.