
Difference between Nature and Nurture

The significant difference between nature and nurture shows that nature relies on genetics while nurture relies on the period spent learning skills. Nature and nurture are two words utilized in behavioural psychology. Nature is described as an inherent factor. An individual is birthed with specific skills and traits.

The significant difference between nature and nurture shows that nature relies on genetics while nurture relies on the period spent learning skills. Nature and nurture are two words utilized in behavioural psychology. Nature is described as an inherent factor. An individual is birthed with specific skills and traits. On the other hand, nurture points out that the notion of innate, hereditary factors is inaccurate. Based on this assumption, human conduct is not natural but has to be learned. When we talk about behaviourism, one of the strong beliefs is this dispute between nature and nurture regarding human behaviour.

What is Nature?

Regarding behavioural psychology, the idea of nature is useful to specific genetic and congenital traits transferred from one generation to another. Nature specifies the characteristics and traits an individual inherited from one of their forefathers. This is because the individual inherited the traits of their ancestors who were into art-related matters. For instance, if one’s grandmother or great-grandmother were into drawings, their descendant could develop into a good artist. Although, psychologists assume that acquisition traits are more vital than inherited traits and that human demeanour can be modified through learning.

What is Nurture?

The idea of nurture does not have to do with hereditary characteristics. It relies entirely on the components of exercise, care, and reference. A writer at a point would be in a situation to form a masterpiece after a severe apprenticeship in the art of writing, using a reference to books and rehearsing the art of composing. The individual would become a good writer even if his ancestors were not into writing. This is the fundamental disparity between the notion of nature and nurture. John Locke says our mind is a “tabula rasa” or “clean slate” when born. In learning, we know some specific skills, practices and behaviours. When we talk of nurture, the donation made to behaviourist psychology by a psychologist can not be dismissed. Vital evidence that relates to the classical conditioning of Pavlov and the operant conditioning of B. Skinner proves the effect of nurturing on training and modifying behaviour. Using this investigation, Pavlov highlighted that spontaneous emotional and physiological reactions could be conditioned using learning. Also, skinner highlighted that behaviour could be modified using reinforcement and retributions. These hypotheses underlined that behaviour is not usually inherent but can also be acquired.

Difference Between Nature and Nurture

  • Nature relies on inherited skills, while nurture relies on enhanced skills.
  • Nature relies on genetics, while nurture relies on the period spent learning skills.
  • Nurture has nothing to do with ancestry and heredity, while nature has everything to do with genealogy and heredity.
  • Nature has nothing to do with the time spent, while nurture has everything to do with the time spent.