
Difference Between Progressives and Conservatives

Conservatives and progressives have different ideas about what the government should do and where social and economic progress should go.

Conservatives and progressives have different ideas about what the government should do and where social and economic progress should go. Progressives tend to support policies promoting social justice, equality, and government involvement in the economy, while conservatives support limited government, personal responsibility, and free-market solutions.

Progressives tend to support policies like universal health care, more government regulation of businesses and industries, and progressive taxation, which ensures everyone has the same amount of money. Conservatives usually support policies like lower taxes, less government control, and the idea that everyone is responsible for their economic success.

On social issues, progressives tend to support policies like LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and racial justice, while conservatives tend to support traditional values and conservative social norms. These differences often lead to political polarisation and heated arguments about what the government should be doing.

Who is a Progressive?

A progressive works for social, political, and economic change to promote social justice, equality, and human rights. Progressives think that the government can help improve society and that it is the government’s job to ensure everyone has access to basic needs like health care, education, and a place to live.

Progressives like policies like healthcare for everyone, more government oversight of businesses and industries, progressive taxation to reduce income inequality, and protecting the environment. They also support things like LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and racial justice that work to promote diversity, inclusion, and social justice.

Progressivism is a political idea that grew from the social and economic problems caused by the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was a part of the labour movement, the civil rights movement, and the feminist movement. Today, progressive policies and values continue to shape political talk and debates about the role of the government in making social and economic progress.

Who is a Conservative?

A conservative is someone who supports traditional values, limited government, and personal responsibility. Conservatives think a free market economy with little government interference is best for society. They also believe the government should be limited to protecting individual rights, ensuring national security, and keeping the law.

Conservatives like policies like lower taxes, less government regulation of businesses and industries, and a robust national defence. They also tend to support traditional values and social norms, such as being against abortion, marriage between people of the same gender, and legalising drugs.

Politics and debates about the role of the government in society, as well as social and cultural issues, are still shaped by conservative policies and values. Conservatism is a way of thinking about politics from traditionalist and classical liberal ideas. It has been linked to groups like the Tea Party, libertarianism, and neoconservatism.

Difference Between Progressives and Conservatives

Progressives and conservatives have different ideas about what the government should do in society and the economy. This is the main difference between them. Progressives think the government should promote social and economic equality more, while conservatives tend to favour limited government and free-market solutions.

Progressives support policies like free healthcare for everyone, more government oversight of businesses and industries, progressive taxation to reduce income inequality, and the protection of the environment. They also care about social justice and civil rights, like the rights of LGBTQ+ people, women, and people of different races.

On the other hand, Conservatives like lower taxes, less government regulation of businesses and industries, and individual responsibility for economic success. They also tend to support traditional values and social norms, like being against abortion and marriage between people of the same gender.

The way progressives and conservatives deal with social change is another big difference. Progressives welcome change and push for reforms to solve social and economic problems, while conservatives resist change and want to keep things the same. These differences often lead to political polarisation and heated arguments about health care, taxes, immigration, and environmental protection.