
Difference Between Subculture and Counterculture

Every community possesses its own culture, which may vary from one another. What is the difference between subculture and counterculture? Although, there could be subcultures and countercultures inside a mainstream culture. Subcultures allocate the primary significance of the mainstream culture, but they possess features that distinguish the subculture group from the others. On the contrary, counterculture does not allocate the common culture, and they are highly against it. Counterculture is majorly like a deviant body in a specific society.

Every community possesses its own culture, which may vary from one another. What is the difference between subculture and counterculture? Although, there could be subcultures and countercultures inside a mainstream culture. Subcultures allocate the primary significance of the mainstream culture, but they possess features that distinguish the subculture group from the others. On the contrary, counterculture does not allocate the common culture, and they are highly against it. Counterculture is majorly like a deviant body in a specific society.

What is Counterculture?

Counterculture is a condition where a group of individuals goes against the central culture of a specific society. The significant features of a counterculture show that it possesses its laws and principles, which vary from the main culture. Often, the constituents of a particular community are meant to stick to the socially acknowledged cultural and social conduct habits. Although, there can be some groups who do not appreciate obeying the accepted principles and values. Then, they create their laws and conduct, avoiding the central culture, and these groups can be described as counter-cultural groups.

An instance is recognizing gay and lesbian individuals as a counterculture in specific communities where individuals go against the accepted social behavioural custom. However, counterculture presents complete resistance to the mainstream or the primary culture. Also, a counterculture in one society may not be recognized as a counterculture in another society because culture varies.

What is Subculture?

Subculture is described as a group of individuals who allocates the values of mainstream culture while, at the same time, they possess their group of identity. Subcultures do not go contrary to the main culture, though they have their methods of differentiating themselves from the central culture. An instance may include university subculture, youth subculture, music subculture, and more. These subcultural groups may possess their pattern of dressing, their speech, their bunch of laws, and more, which usually reflect the central culture. Hence, they do not disagree with mainstream culture. The constituents of a particular subculture may swap their own opinion with another using a varied type of speech that might not be comprehended by an individual who is not a constituent of that group. Also, some big firms possess subcultural groups inside the firm, which have assisted the smooth operations of the firm. These groups are described as organizational cultures. Nonetheless, subcultures are not a threat to society, and they characterize a group identity only.

Difference Between Counterculture and Subculture

  • Observing the similarities between counterculture and subculture, it is apparent that they possess their own set of laws and individuality, which distinguishes them from their dominant culture.
  • Counterculture is a subculture since the group recognizes itself to vary from the dominant culture.
  • A counterculture in one society may not be recognized as a counterculture in another society. Meanwhile, subcultural groups may be identified to be the same everywhere.
  • Counterculture often goes against the mainstream culture, while subculture allocates the significance of the central culture while they acclimate their own identity.