
Difference Between Trust and Confidence

Loyalty and trust are crucial factors in any healthy relationship. Although loyalty and trust are interlinked, they differ. Loyalty is described as allegiance or affection to an individual or a thing. Trust, conversely, is defined as the dependence on the virtue, resilience, and stability of an individual or a thing. The significant difference between loyalty and trust dwells in their description. A lot of times, trust may be the foundation of loyalty.

Although the terms trust and confidence appear comparable in the description, there is a difference between these two phrases. Confidence has to do with the assurance that we possess in another individual. On the other hand, trust has to do with the firm conviction one possesses in another person. When we consider these two terms, it is usually difficult to distinguish one from the other. This is because these terms are very much connected. We possess confidence in the individuals that we trust and vice versa. Using this article, we elucidate the two words and highlight the difference for proper knowledge.

What is Confidence?

Confidence is described as the assurance that we possess in other individuals. These individuals may be our friends, workers, employers, or colleagues. It is the assumption that they can accomplish something, or else the trustworthiness we possess in an individual. For instance, an employer assigns a special assignment to one of his workers. When queried, he replied with, ” I have confidence in her” This points out that the employer acknowledges that the worker possesses the possibility and essential skills required to perform the task. If he had responded with “because I trust her”, this would have shown another thing entirely. Since he responded with the phrase confidence, it also implies that the previous performance has affected his determination. This authorizes one to determine that confidence is created by experience. Confidence is an essential quality, mainly in the working setting. For instance, if a commander does not possess confidence in his supporters, it is doubtful that the supporters will be encouraged to follow the commander. Also, unless an individual has confidence in others, he would not be very sure of the result. This will direct him to execute more tasks by himself. When an administrator is not entrusting authority but sticks to every assignment without offering others the chance, this influences the group dynamic.

What is Trust?

Trust has to do with the impression that we have on other individuals. It indicates that the individual would acknowledge others with proof or inquiry. Trust can maintain an explanation basis in some situations, but in others, individuals tend to trust others without any explanation. When it comes to friendships and relationships, trust is maintained as a core component. This is because partners or friends are ready to accept each other without any investigations. When there is no trust in a relationship, it results in several issues. Trust may not be developed on previous scenarios or incidents; it may come from within the person. For instance, when we say “I trust you”, it results from the intimacy with which one connects with another.

Difference Between Confidence and Trust

  • An individual can possess an explanation motivation for trusting another. If not, an individual can blindly trust another individual. This attribute can not be found in confidence.
  • Confidence has to do with the assurance that we possess in another individual.
  • Confidence is developed from past incidents, but trust is not.
  • Trust has to do with the firm conviction one possesses in another person.