
Difference Between UN Security Council and UN General Assembly

Difference Between UN Security Council and UN General Assembly

The United Nations came into the picture to take the place of the League of Nations, which some groups of countries established to resist Nazi Germany and Japan. The United Nations possess a broader plan of halting wars between member nations by motivating them to commit to dialogue. The two prominent organs of the United Nations include the UN General Assembly and the UN Security Council, an international institution established after the second world war in 1945. The United Nations possesses several subsidiary organizations carrying out jobs in various regions of the world. There are six primary organs of the United Nations which include:

  • General Assembly
  • Security Council
  • Economic and Social Council
  • The Secretariat
  • International Court of Justice
  • The UN Trusteeship Council

Several other vital agencies are working for the UN, including the WHO, the World Health, the WFP, the World Food Program, and the UNICEF, the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund.

What is UN Security Council?

This is the most vital organ of the UN since it functions with the responsibility of maintaining peace and security worldwide. The pact of the UN has authorized the Security Council to create peacekeeping tasks in war-torn nations. It is also permitted to place International embargoes, both material and economic, against erring constituents. The Security Council can also initiate a military movement against any of its constituents if the occurrences are drastic. All the strengths of the Security Council are conferred with its five permanent members, which include China, Russia, France, the UK, and the US. Security Council constituents stay at the headquarters of the UN in New York to enable them to hold an emergency meeting at any time. Outside these five permanent constituents, there are 15 non-permanent constituents of the Security Council, which possess a tenure of 2 years and are voted for from among the member nations. The unique characteristic of the Security Council is its embargo structure, whereby every permanent constituent possesses its embargo strength. This implies that it can deter the adoption of a proposal using its embargo power. Based on the pact of the United Nations, the Security Council can interfere in any problem that can enhance International conflicts or friction.

What is UN General Assembly?

This is one of the primary organs of the UN, and it includes all the member nations. There are 192 member nations in the united nations. It is primarily engaged in assembling the budget of the United Nations, nominating non-permanent constituents to the Security Council, and bringing suggestions to the united nations concerning its different organs and mechanisms. These suggestions are referred to as General Assembly resolutions. Election in the General Assembly occurs on several matters, which include entry or eviction of constituents, badge tries deliberations, the election of members in various organs, and more. All the suggestions of the General Assembly are enacted with a two-thirds majority, and every country possesses only one vote. The General Assembly can make suggestions on all matters unless peace and security, which is the responsibility of the Security Council.

Difference Between UN Security Council and UN General Assembly

  • The United Nations Security Council has five permanent and 15 non-permanent members, summing up to 20. The UN General Assembly possesses 192 members.
  • As the UN General Assembly is democratic in the understanding that every constituent, however powerful he may be, possess just a single vote, while the UN Security Council consists of 5 superpowers of the world that can acquire unilateral movement based on their veto strength.
  • The UN General Assembly has to do with all issues unless International peace and security, which is the sole responsibility of the UN Security Council.
  • The resolutions enacted by the UN Security Council are binding upon the member nations, whereas the UN General Assembly makes general statements only.