
Difference Between Vision and Mission

A vision is a long-term, aspirational goal for the organisation that describes what it hopes to achieve in the future, whereas a mission describes the organisation's purpose and values, describing what it does, who it serves, and how it achieves its goals. A vision is concerned with the future impact, whereas a mission is concerned with the present purpose.

A vision is a long-term, aspirational goal for the organisation that describes what it hopes to achieve in the future, whereas a mission describes the organisation’s purpose and values, describing what it does, who it serves, and how it achieves its goals. A vision is concerned with the future impact, whereas a mission is concerned with the present purpose.

What is Vision?

The sense of vision allows organisms to perceive and interpret visual information from their surroundings. It is a complex process that involves the eyes, brain, and nervous system all working together to create visual perception. The eyes are the primary organ of vision, detecting light and forming images of their surroundings. Light enters the eye and is focused onto the retina, a layer of light-sensitive cells at the back of the eye, to begin the vision process.

Photoreceptors are specialised cells in the retina that respond to light and transmit signals to the brain via the optic nerve. The brain then processes this information to create the visual world’s perception, including colour, shape, depth, and movement. Many everyday activities require vision, such as reading, driving, and navigating the environment. It is also essential in social communication and emotional expression.

Age, disease, injury, and environmental factors can all impact vision. Mild refractive errors, such as nearsightedness or farsightedness, can progress to more severe conditions, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Regular eye exams and preventive measures, such as wearing protective eyewear and avoiding harmful UV radiation, can aid in maintaining healthy vision and preventing vision loss.

What is Mission?

A mission statement is a statement that describes the purpose or reason for the existence of an organisation, outlining its goals, values, and strategies for achieving its objectives. It guides making decisions, setting priorities, and aligning actions with the organisation’s vision. A mission statement typically includes information about the organisation’s target audience, products or services offered, and the distinct value it provides to its stakeholders. It could also contain information about the organisation’s culture, history, and future goals.

A mission statement is a statement that describes an organisation’s purpose and objectives, acting as a guide for decision-making and aligning actions with its overall vision. An organisation’s mission can vary greatly depending on its industry, size, and goals. For example, a non-profit organisation’s mission may prioritise social or environmental issues, whereas a for-profit company’s mission may prioritise profitability and market share. Creating a clear and compelling mission statement is critical for giving the organisation a sense of purpose and direction. It can aid in the clarification of the organisation’s values, develop brand identity, and attract and retain employees, customers, and partners who share the organisation’s vision. A well-written mission statement is critical for instilling a sense of purpose, establishing brand identity, and attracting and retaining stakeholders who share the organisation’s values and goals.

Difference Between Vision and Mission

In organisational planning and strategy, “vision” and “mission” are frequently employed. However, it is essential to note that these concepts are separate and distinct. A vision is a strategic statement articulating the desired future state or outcome an organisation aims to achieve over a prolonged period. It is an aspirational guidepost that inspires and motivates stakeholders towards a common goal. A vision statement is a concise and inspiring statement that outlines an organisation’s aspirations for the future, typically in terms of the impact or outcomes it seeks to achieve. It plays a crucial role in guiding decision-making and strategic planning efforts. The purpose of a vision statement is to provide a compelling and inspiring description of a desired future outcome that motivates and unites stakeholders to work together towards achieving it.

A mission statement is a concise declaration that outlines an organisation’s fundamental purpose and core values. The document delineates the scope of the organisation’s activities, its target audience, and its strategies to accomplish its objectives. The primary purpose of a mission statement is to provide a framework for making decisions and ensuring that all actions an organisation takes align with its overall goals. Although a vision and mission may share similarities and have some areas of intersection, they are separate and unique concepts. A vision pertains to the future impact or outcomes an organisation aims to achieve, while a mission pertains to the present purpose and values guiding the organisation’s actions.