Current Affairs

Important Dates Before Independence in Nigeria

Nigerian National Flag

In the following paragraphs, we will provide a timeline of significant events that occurred in Nigeria’s history before the country’s declaration of independence. As time goes on, we will update it to include additional information that has been gathered.

  • Nigeria was given the Name Niger Area by Miss Flora Shaw in 1898.
  • The first railway line in Nigeria was constructed from Lagos to Ibadan in 1901.
  • The first main truck road was built from Lagos to Ibadan in 1905.
  • Nigeria’s Capital was moved from Calabar to Lagos in 1906.
  • Sir Lord Lugard amalgamated Nigeria in 1914.
  • The West African National Congress was formed in 1920.
  • Nigeria formed the first legislative council in 1922.
  • Herbert Macaulay founded the Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) in 1923.
  • The Aba Women riot was in 1929.
  • The National Council of Nigeria and Cameroun (NCNC) was formed by Herbert Macaulay, who became its president while Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe served as the secretary in 1944.
  • Herbert Macaulay died, and Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe became the president of NCPC in 1946.
  • Richard’s constitution was introduced in 1946.
  • The University College Ibadan was opened in 1948.
  • Chief Anthony Enahoro moved the motion for Nigeria’s Independence in the House of Assembly on 1st April 1953.
  • Queen Elisabeth visited Nigeria in 1956
  • Regional self-government was granted to Nigeria’s then Eastern and Western Regions in 1957.
  • Nation’s cup championship started in 1957.
  • The Apex Bank of Nigeria (The Central Bank) was established and opened for operation on 1st July 1958.
  • The Nigerian Television Authority (N.T.A) was established by the late Chief Obafemi Awolowo at Ibadan in 1959.
  • Nigeria held her first national election to set up an independent government. Northern Nigeria won most of the seats of parliament in 1959.