Part IV
- The Folketing shall consist of one assembly of not more than one hundred and seventy-nine Members, of whom two Members shall be elected on the Faeroe Islands, and two Members in Greenland.
- Any Danish subject whose permanent residence is in the Realm, and who has the age qualification for suffrage provided for in subsection (2) of this section shall have the right to vote at Folketing elections, provided that he has not been declared incapable of conducting his own affairs. It shall be laid down by Statute to what extent conviction and public assistance amounting to poor relief within the meaning of the law shall entail disfranchisement.
- The age qualification for suffrage shall be such as has resulted from the Referendum held under the Act dated the 26th March, 1953. Such age qualification for suffrage may be altered at any time by Statute. A Bill passed by the Folketing for the purpose of such enactment shall receive the Royal Assent only when the provision on the alteration in the age qualification for suffrage has been put to a Referendum in accordance with subsection (5) of section 42, which has not resulted in the rejection of the provision.
- Any person who has a right to vote at Folketing elections shall be eligible for membership of the Folketing, unless he has been convicted of an act which in the eyes of the public makes him unworthy of being a Member of the Folketing.
- Civil servants who are elected Members of the Folketing shall not require permission from the Government to accept their election.
- The Members of the Folketing shall be elected by general and direct ballot.
- Rules for the exercise of the suffrage shall be laid down by the Elections Act, which, to secure equal representation of the various opinions of the Electorate, shall prescribe the manner of election and decide whether proportional representation shall be adopted with or without elections in single-member constituencies.
- In determining the number of seats to be allotted to each area regard shall be paid to the number of inhabitants, the number of electors, and the density of population.
- The Elections Act shall provide rules governing the election of substitutes and their admission to the Folketing, and also rules for the procedure to be adopted where a new election is required.
- Special rules for the representation of Greenland in the Folketing may be laid down by Statute.
- The members of the Folketing shall be elected for a period of four years.
- The Ring may at any time issue writs for a new election with the effect that the existing seats shall be vacated upon a new election. Provided that writs for an election shall not be issued after the appointment of a new Ministry until the Prime Minister has presented himself to the Folketing.
- The Prime Minister shall cause a general election to be held before the expiration of the period for which the Folketing has been elected.
- No seats shall be vacated until a new election has been held.
- Special rules may be provided by Statute for the commencement and determination of Faeroe Islands and Greenland representation in the Folketing.
- If a Member of the Folketing becomes ineligible his seat in the Folketing shall become vacant.
- On approval of his election each new Member shall make a solemn declaration that he will adhere to the Constitution Act.
- The Folketing itself shall determine the validity of the election of any Member and decide whether a Member has lost his eligibility or not.
- The Folketing shall be inviolable. Any person who attacks its security or freedom, or any person who issues or obeys any command aiming thereat shall be deemed guilty of high treason.